Being an interim executive

Being an Interim Executive

An Interim Executive Manager is a highly experienced leader and expert in its field of competence. Our network of associated interim managers include skills at executive levels with experience in several industries. Working as an Interim Executive Manager is an active choice in the personal career development as individuals in our network chosen instead of being employees. It is not a temporary occupation on the road to a new permanent position.

Our assignments usually runs from 6 months to more than a year. The position is often at the executive level or as head of a function in the management team. The missions are in situations where the client does not want to hire or where, for a limited time, want to bring a higher level of expertise to revitalize the organization.

As Interim Executive Manager from Advisure you work through your own company. Advisure have high demands on personal qualities, proven competence and experience. Before being accepted to join Advisure's network we validate your skills and leadership profile through our selection process.

An Interim Executive Manager from Advisure is recognised by:

  • a very experienced leader and expert within it’s field as functional manager, CEO or qualified project leader

  • analytical, responsive, flexible, social competent, personal integrity and a great consultative ability, but foremost operational and vigorous

  • used to guide organisations out of tough periods and make changes and restructuring

  • driven by goals and likes operational challenges

  • makes an effort for the organization as whole in addition to function responsibility

  • only represents the client during the assignment

  • used to travel and act in international and multi-cultural environments

  • ensures hand-over and dismiss themselves when mission accomplished

  • an Interim Executive Manager is always overqualified for the task

  • has been working for several employers or clients during her/his career

  • financial stamina during periods between assignments


Regnbågsgatan 8B

SE-417 55 Göteborg, Sweden

+46 31-87 60 80



Advisure provides quality assured Interim Executive Managers to businesses and organisations in need of temporary qualified leadership capacity.

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